Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Healing Power of the Beach & the Delta

Capt. Compton at the helm of Base Ops, Summer 2003

July 2006 we were on Base Ops in the California Delta for what would be Cecil's last time on the houseboat. Cecil loved everyday on the houseboat. He would say everyday, 'It does not get any better than this.' He was always so right about knowing we were very blessed and feeling gratitude for our blessings everyday.

This summer I am also blessed to have been able to spend five weeks in an apartment in Carlsbad, California only two houses from the beach. Cecil would also have loved it here. It is a wonderful place to heal and read and walk......and really do anything one wants to do. I think it has been good for me to be able to be outside in the sun and on the beach everyday, rather than being in the house in Phoenix, as I continue to walk through my grief journey. I know I am 'doing better' because I am at the beach now.

I do believe 'I am doing remarkably well,' as I tell my family and friends when they ask how I am doing. It is true I am doing remarkably well but it is also true, at times, I am so sad with an ache in my heart from missing Cecil. Both are true.

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